Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Place-to-go: From Haiku to Distinctive Painting

An exhibition of paintings of Chinese landscapes from Fukuda Kodojin, a well-known publisher of Chinese Verse (Haikus) and painter, just opened at Bachmann Eckenstein Gallery in Basel and continues through April 24, 2010. The opening reception is scheduled for Saturday, April 10, 2010, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ready for a little drink at this place-to-be?
Kodojin (1865-1944) was born in the small town of Shingu in rural Wakayama Prefecture. Although he became so skilled in Chinese poetry that he published a collection of verse while in his twenties, Kodojin switched to making modern-style haiku after becoming a follower of Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902) in 1889. Writing under his haijin name, Haritsu, Kodojin frequently published haiku in poetry magazines in the late Meiji period, and he became widely known as Shiki's diciple. In the last thirty years of his life, he again wrote Chinese verse and began to paint distinctive literati landscapes signed with his painting name, Kodojin. He also made simple paintings of plants and flowers that emphasized his dramatic brushwork and inscriptions of Chinese poetry. Kodojin was one of the earliest admirers of Tomita Keisen, who possessed a similar taste of unusual compositions and unconventional brushwork. Although the details of Kodojin's patronage remain unclear, a great many of his paintings are exquisitely mounted, suggesting that his works were acquired by wealthy collectors.
BachmannEckenstein JapaneseArt is a member of CINOA and VSAK (Swiss Antique & Art Dealers Association).

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